> Brian says that a common (THE common) definition of "suburb" in the US is
(roughly) "a smaller city next to or near a much larger one as part of a
conurbation."  I agree that is a very frequent understanding of how the
word "suburb" is both used and understood in the USA, even most or almost
all of the time.

.... (In the USA, we tend to CALL someplace like Bellevue a "suburb,"
> though we correctly TAG it a place=city in OSM.  Such differences between
> "call" and "tag" are the source of much of the confusion about "suburb" and
> "neighborhood" or place=neighbourhood).

'Suburbs' originated in the USA, created by the intersection of the
post-war baby boom, GI Bill, affordable automobiles, freeway construction,
and urban decline. And specifically, they are not part of a larger city. It
may be part of a larger metropolitan / micropolitan area and/or and
government / service, but the genesis of the 'burbs' was the white flight
by people specifically fed up with corrupt major cities and the collapse of
services, and so a separate city administrative structure, including
taxation. These days, many of those 'sub'-urbanizations are actually larger
or the same size as the original city, like Bellevue / Seattle. These are
now known as 'Edge Cities'  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edge_city
Beyond the Edge Cities are the 'Exurbs', sometimes unincorporated areas.
There are still some cities that fit the past suburb definition, 'Bedroom
Communities' like Mountlake Terrace where the residents primarily commute
outside their city limits, but many of those trips aren't even into the
major city ( Seattle) but to other suburbs and urban centers ( hence the
Census defining metropolitan statistical areas, and such ).
Suburb should probably be deprecated as a tag, it sort of an anachronism.
Magnolia has never been a 'suburb', I've walked from downtown to Magnolia,
if it is a suburb, then the University District and Ballard are too, they
popped up during the streetcar / Interurban build out. (
https://historylink.org/File/2667 )

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