Just happened to come across the other night a user (mjbyars) who has been 
upgrading the highways type when it shouldn't be.  For instance, he's upgrading 
several state highways from secondary to primary when they have no business 
being upgraded that high, especially with a near by parallel  US highway that 
is the primary highway there.  I've already contacted him, but haven't gotten a 
response back yet. 
He's also been upgrading small segments of 4 lane US highways that are primary 
up to trunk when they have no business being that highway.  In fact, I had to 
repair US-301 last night in an area where it seems he just copy and pasted tags 
from one way to another and made a section 4 lanes when it's only a 2 lane 
Here are some examples:
Anybody willing to help out and fix some damage if he doesn't respond to 
messages (couldn't hurt to have a second person contact him as well, maybe Mike 
N since he lives in SC).
-James (rickmastfan67)
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