The weekly round-up of OSM news, issue #297, is now available online in
English, giving as always a summary of all things happening in the
OpenStreetMap world:

*Among others:*

   - Want to know how Mapbox uses server statistics to decide which parts
   of the world need new satellite imagery most...
   - The US SotM conference will be held in Seattle from the 23rd to the
   25th of July.
   - Look in to know how to use Mapbox GL to generate a vector based and
   interactive map of cycleways in Berlin...
   - Thinking about your next vacation? Here are OSM maps for Crete
   available in Garmin formats
   - Alex Bulankou explains how to host OpenStreetMap services in Azure.
   - Mapzen describes their new elevation tilesets, how they were created,
   which data sources were involved,  read more to know more about it...


Jinal Foflia <>
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