Greetings everyone,

It has been over a month since I last made any kind of blog entry, or any type of public appearance. Even longer since I wrote about something other than Blart Radio. Regular readers will know that I'm a man of few words and don't write unless there is a good reason for it. Follow my Twitter updates if you really want to keep up with the more mundane facets of my life. To summarize for those of you who don't want to do so, I packed up my belongings and moved to the Midwest at the end of October. The majority of November has been filled with getting my personal and financial affairs in order, setting up the new apartment, and attending some training that I'm hoping will turn into lucrative work.

My busy schedule has consequently kept me mostly offline with a few small exceptions. Frankly, I prefer it, and that's very likely to continue. There really is a life to live in the real world, after all. One aspect of my internet existence which wil be coming back, however, is Blart Radio. Barring any technical difficulties, I will be back on the air tonight at 8:00 EST on TBRN. Tonight's show will be a test to see 1) how well the broadcast setup works in the new place and 2) learn whether or not I can sustain a reasonably hi-phi sound over my mobile phone's 3G connection. Verizon DSL, or "big boy internet," won't be installed until the end of next week at the earliest, so we will make do with what's available until then. If you want all of the details on what we've been up to and to hear the collection of music and banter that only Blart Radio can bring, tune in tonight at 8:00. if you can't make it, we should have an archive ready by, you guessed it, the end of next week. Hope to see you all there.


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