THANK YOU SHARUKH, four lively reports on this festival.
fm tango is covering some events, so for those of you that are outside, you can 
tune by the web , and listen live some performances , or else, being 
in buenos aires, 92.7 Mhz.
yes, for music, is a good opportunity, there are not too many musicians alive , 
and those alive are well beyond on their 80´s and 90´s, as Leopoldo Federico 
and Horacio Salgan.
i saw a part of a competition of tango salon .... well, quality of dance is 
noot good ,at least in this round, with a japanese couple, and someother 
competitors from here and there , and anywhere.
they said that 490 couples are registered, but that is a white lie, since a 
couple can register for tango, andor milonga, and/orvalsecito.
so , to have a final number of this couples, havingbefore the metropolitano 
plus regionales plus the shame of a need of a milongueros del mundo category, 
plus the open event that is the mundial ....  is like Captain Ahabgoing to fish 
for Moby dick and coming back with little orange and white stripes Nemo fish  
for music , on the contrary , is a good event to watch some new musicians , 
that take the ropes from the old ones .
i have listened, not in this festival, a german group "Sabor a tango", that 
play excellent tangos, under the careful watch of Luis Stazo, former founder of 
Sexteto Mayor.
Now I think they have as band name "Stazo Mayor" .
Also there are good singers like Ariel Ardit, Esteban Riera , Walter Chino 
Laborde, Lidia Borda, BrianChambouleyron, and a kind of new troubadours 
movement, that keep the tango moving 
may we celebrate this music and the spirit that it summons
buenos aires
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