Sent: 9/21/2010 2:04:55 A.M. Pacific Daylight  Time
Subj: The Basics

Most of today’s so called teachers can't  teach  basic fundamentals of 
because they were never  taught.  After a few  group lessons the shingle is 
hung and it’s  the blind leading the blind. Just by  reading some of the 
comments on  this forum proves that point.   

The things we do right in  tango have a logical explanation  compared to 
what we do wrong.  

I'll give you two examples: The mans right  hand should be cupped  with all 
of the fingers closed near the woman’s waist so  he can lead  her with 
the palm or the closed fingers, gently in either   direction without 
inflicting any pain to her. Now could someone give me  a  logical 
explanation as to 
why a mans hand should be up in the middle  of her back  with the fingers 
spread apart like a claw digging into her  back?   

Another good example (for the leader and follower) is  holding the head  
The average head weighs about 12 lbs. and if you  dance with the head up 
can maintain balance and axis not to mention good  posture.
Now could someone  give me a logical reason for dancing with  the head bent 
down looking at the  floor?

This could go on  forever so good luck in finding a teacher that  can not 
only teach you  but can explain all of the reasons we do what we do while  
dancing  tango.


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