I am really shocked when I read comments like Michael's who said he
doesnt understand why music is played in class, for the alleged reason
that it intereferes with his ability to learn the figure.  This suggests
that he believes executing the figure itself is more important than
placing it in the context of the music.  If he wants to practice the
technique for a movement, he can do that at home by himself, without
music.   The technique, turns , balance, alignment, is basically the
same for all steps in the dance, and once you have it any figure shown
in any workshop is a piece of cake.  The point to learning a figure is
not to show how athletic you are, or how good your memory is, but to
place it in the narrative of the story you are expressing when you dance
tango. Otherwise, the figure is meaningless, no matter how well or
poorly its done. I would so much rather dance with followers who are
musical than with someone who is technically proficient at figures, and
many followers agree with that statement as it applies to leaders.
Thankfully, the best teachers around the world dont agree with Michael,
they emphasize integrating the rhythm and expression of the figure into
the musical phrase.    
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