tanda # belum dihilangin dari conf-nya atau cuma diemail aja yg masih

$_printer = "lq2170"
$_printer_command = "lpr -l"

On Wed, 2006-12-20 at 15:56 +0700, Agi Subagio wrote:
> /etc/dosemu/dosemu.conf sudah dirubah dengan konfigurasi spt ini:
> ## Printer settings
> #
> # list of (/etc/printcap) printer names to appear as LPT1, LPT2, LPT3
> # (not all are needed, empty for none). Default: "lp"
> # use "" if you want the printer_command (below) free-form (LPT1 only)
> #
> # $_printer = "lq2170"
> #
> # Print command to use. Default: "lpr", for "lpr -P printername".
> # Sometimes (with CUPS) "lpr -l" is necessary.
> #
> # $_printer_command = "lpr -l"
> #
> # idle time in seconds before spooling out. Default: (20)
> #
> # $_printer_timeout = (20)
> #
> isi dari /etc/printcap spt ini:
> linux-mbs:~ # more /etc/printcap
> # This file was automatically generated by cupsd(8) from the
> # /etc/cups/printers.conf file.  All changes to this file
> # will be lost.
> lq2170|EPSON LQ-2170:rm=linux-mbs.mbs.co.id:rp=lq2170:CUPS-PDF|PDF Writer for 
> CUPS:rm=linux-mbs.mbs.co.id:rp=CUPS-PDF:deskjet3740|HP Deskjet 
> 3740:rm=linux-mbs.mbs.co.id:rp=deskjet3740:DeskJet610C|Axis AXIS 
> 5600+:rm=linux-mbs.mbs.co.id:rp=DeskJet610C:deskjet640c|HEWLETT-PACKARD 
> 640C:rm=linux-mbs.mbs.co.id:rp=deskjet640c:EPSON_LQ1170|EPSON 
> LQ-1170:rm=linux-mbs.mbs.co.id:rp=EPSON_LQ1170:
> saya pake CUPS.
> saya jalanin xdosemu, lalu saya panggil aplikasi clipper "contoh.exe > 
> lpt1", hasil di konsole ada error spt ini:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/dosemu/freedos> xdosemu
> ERROR: Unable to open console to evaluate the keyboard map.
> Please specify your keyboard map explicitly via the $_layout option
> lpr: The printer or class was not found.
> lpr: The printer or class was not found.
> printer tetap diam saja tuh kalau dari dosemu.
> tapi kalau dari shell linux saya kasih command "ls -al | lpr -l", 
> printernya jalan tuh.
> apa yg salah yah?
> Fansul wrote:
> > Hello Agi,
> > Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 1:04:47 PM, you wrote:
> >
> > arahkan setting dosemu.conf ke nama perinter anda.
> >
> > $_printer = "lq2180"
> > $_printer_command = "lpr -l"
> >
> > klu sukses perintah type namafile.exe > lpt1 harus jalan
> > mudah2 benar
> >
> >
> >   
> >> gak keluar hasilnya sama sekali.
> >> apakah ada yg dirubah di /etc/dosemu/dosemu.conf agar dosemu bisa baca 
> >> lpt1?
> >>     

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