On 11-Feb-04 at 11:19 AM, n0e wrote:

> BTW, saya coba ngakalin dengan menambahkan mapping di /etc/hotsts, tapi kok
> di log malah keluar message spt ini:

> Feb 11 10:43:01 athena sshd[31766]: log: Address maps to www,
> but this does not map back to the address - POSSIBLE BREAKIN ATTEMPT!

Untuk masalah reverse map address sepertinya sudah solved setelah saya akalin
mapping addressnya di /etc/hosts:           localhost.localdomain localhost           remote it-support.webserver.com           remote2 client.somewhere.com

Sekarang error log "Could not reverse map address" udah gak
keluar lagi. Tapi SSH nya masih tetep problem.

Feb 11 12:43:32 athena sshd[31926]: connection from ""
Feb 11 12:43:32 athena sshd[32321]: log: Generating 768 bit RSA key.
Feb 11 12:43:32 athena sshd[32321]: log: RSA key generation complete.
Feb 11 12:43:32 athena sshd[32321]: log: Connection from port 1070
Feb 11 12:43:33 athena sshd[32321]: log: Password authentication for it-support 
Feb 11 12:43:33 athena sshd[32321]: log: ROOT LOGIN as 'it-support' from remote
Feb 11 12:43:33 athena sshd[32321]: error: Strange, got SIGCHLD and wait returned pid 
but child is 32325
Feb 11 12:43:33 athena sshd[32321]: log: Closing connection to
Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[31926]: connection from ""
Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: Generating 768 bit RSA key.
Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: RSA key generation complete.
Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: Connection from port 1295
Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: Password authentication for it-support 
Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: ROOT LOGIN as 'it-support' from remote
Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: error: Strange, got SIGCHLD and wait returned pid 
but child is 32333
Feb 11 12:44:54 athena sshd[32329]: log: Closing connection to

Ada yg tau gak error message "sshd[32321]: error: Strange, got SIGCHLD and wait 
pid 32324 but child is 32325" pada SSH penyebabnya apa ?


 ... just give me internet

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