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On Sun 27-Jul-03 4:08pm -0400, Allie Martin wrote:

> Bill Mccarthy, [BM] wrote:

>>> Just a little addition: providing an easy way to forge
>>> X-Mailer/Received headers would immediately classify The Bat! as
>>> spamware.

BM>> This just sounds like paranoia.

BM>> For sending mail, there are more than enough net tools available to
BM>> spammers the provide far more power than the typical user clients
BM>> like The Bat!. Restricting the ability to change the X-Mailer field
BM>> is a nanny feature we don't need - I prefer to customize mine and
BM>> their are already tools (like X-Ray) to perform simple changes like
BM>> this.

> XRay makes this a non-issue as far as I am concerned.

Yes, except it hangs with long emails or with attachments.

> If you wish to alter the X-Mailer header, use a tool like that. I do
> agree that it should be made optional though.


> However, being able to define it to be whatever you like is a
> different thing.

I take the view that it's my email and I want it my way.

BM>> However, there are legitimate reasons to change both incoming and
BM>> outgoing email - which The Bat!'s silly nanny obsession prevents.
BM>> Here's an example of a pre-Inbox and pre-Outbox filter that SHOULD be
BM>> available to a user:

BM>> Pre-Inbox Example - Most mailing lists are used by people that use
BM>> email clients that don't support threading.  Threading by subject is
BM>> less useful when incoming mail can't be "cleansed" of such
BM>> abominations as "Re: [list-name] Re: ....".

> I don't see why the current inbox filtering can't be enhanced to do
> this. It would seem that all you need is for TB! to be able to alter
> text in message headers and message body. If TB! has this ability, then
> all you'd need to do is to simulate a pre-inbox filter is to put the
> filter at the top of the inbox filter rule list and have TB! continue
> processing with other filters.

That doesn't work - try it out yourself.  Filtering doesn't continue
with the changed email.  Try this simple test.  For any email that's
from and to you, have your filter delete it, export it to a UNIX
mailbox and import it with thebat.exe AND, of course, set continue
processing.  Notice how it stays in the inbox?

> I do think that this falls out of the scope of a simple MUA.

That's why I purchased The Bat! :-)

BM>> Pre-Outbox Example - If the first name in the To: field contains a
BM>> family member, a child or a grandchild, I modify my From field and
BM>> signature to Bill, Dad or Grandpa. When I have other addresses in
BM>> the To: field, I manually change things. A pre-Outbox filter could
BM>> check for mixed addresses (family and friends) and "park" them
BM>> instead of sending them. That avoids accidentally sending an email
BM>> to my son and a friend that ends with "Love, Dad."

> Have you thought of using an %IF macro to help deal with that?
> Anyway, I don't know if you're seeking a solution rather than just
> siting an example of where pre-outbox filtering would be useful.

Although it was merely an example, a proper macro solution is far more
complicated that merely determining that there may be a problem.

- --
Best regards,

The Bat! 1.63 Beta/11 is now 45 days old.
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (MingW32)
Comment: Bill McCarthy's GPG Signature


 Current beta is 1.63b11 | "Using TBBETA" information:

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