
2008-08-02 Thread Jens Franik
am Freitag, 1. August 2008 um 22:50 schrieb Maxim Masiutin: > The Bat! is available Up + Running -- Mit freundlichen Grüßen Jens Franik mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Picture of me? X-Rogue http://www.de2all.de/Kr_bat.jpg The Bat! & AntiSpamSniper Windows 2000 5.0 build 219


2008-08-02 Thread Paul Van Noord
8/2/2008 2:38 PM Hi George, On 8/1/2008 George M. Menegakis wrote: >> [*] main menus slightly rearranged GMM> Purge & Compress and Compress due to their affinity should be next to each GMM> other and not separated by "Browse Deleted Messages". Furthermore, since GMM> "Purge & Compress" deletes


2008-08-02 Thread Paul Van Noord
8/2/2008 2:36 PM Hi Marek, On 8/1/2008 Marek Mikus wrote: >> [*] main menus slightly rearranged MM> I do not agree with moving "Compress" entry in Folder menu under "Browse MM> deleted", this is really easy now to select compress instead browse by MM> mistake! I vote for moving it back. Agree

Re: Searching in the Trash folder

2008-08-02 Thread Costas Papadopoulos
Hello Dwight, Saturday, August 2, 2008, 4:38:49 PM, you wrote (possibly edited): > If you haven't purged or compressed, you should be able to still find > them in the original folder. All these years I didn't notice that option. Thank you very much for pointing it out to me. -- Best regards,

Re[2]: Exception during startup

2008-08-02 Thread Maxim Masiutin
Hello Albrecht, Saturday, August 02, 2008, 19:53:21, you wrote: >>using Vista Scheduler to start up TB at Vista Boot leads to following >>Exception: Could you please send this file to me as a zip'ed attachment? -- Best regards, Maxim Masiutin Ritlabs SRL http://www.ritlabs

Re: Exception during startup

2008-08-02 Thread Albrecht Backhaus
Hi, using Vista Scheduler to start up TB at Vista Boot leads to following Exception: Date: 02 Aug 2008 18:48:25 OS: Windows Vista Service Pack 1 build 6001 PhysMemFreeTotal: 4095/4095 MB VirtMemFreeTotal: 1851/2047 MB Address: 008B5CBB ClassName: EAccessViolation

Re: Searching in the Trash folder

2008-08-02 Thread Dwight Corrin
On Saturday, August 2, 2008, 7:07:04 AM, Costas Papadopoulos wrote: > It would be useful if I could sort the messages in this folder > according to the original folder they were in, before I deleted them. If you haven't purged or compressed, you should be able to still find them in the o

Re: Summary o main menu changes (was :Re: Where did the maintenance center go?)

2008-08-02 Thread Rick
>> I can't find the maintenance center! > Folder | Maintenance centre -> Tools | Message Base Thanks! (Every time it gets moved my keyboard shortcut gets wiped out) -- Rick If all life is sacred ... How can Republicans be pro life AND for capital punishment? v4.0.26.5 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 26

Version 26.4

2008-08-02 Thread Ethan J. Mings
August 2, 2008 > The Bat! is available at > http://www.ritlabs.com/download/files3/the_bat/beta/tb40265.rar The program installed and is up and running. > > What's new in since > [*] Rearranged the preview of date/time format in the Preferences dialog. Confirmed. > [*

Searching in the Trash folder

2008-08-02 Thread Costas Papadopoulos
I sometimes find myself rummaging in the trash (figuratively speaking). I mean that after I delete a message, I may want to retrieve it from the Trash folder. It would be useful if I could sort the messages in this folder according to the original folder they were in, bef

Re: Problem passing URL with non-ASCII characters

2008-08-02 Thread Jernej Simončič
On Friday, August 1, 2008, 23:19:36, Dwight Corrin wrote: > In your quoted text here, I get the whole url underlined, but in the > original message, only to nikk That's probably because the message is ISO-8859-4, while the original one (where the URL wasn't underlined properly) was UTF-8. -- <


2008-08-02 Thread Albrecht Backhaus
Hi, when you move a message, which replies are watched in a virtual folder, from one folder to another - it looses its connection to that virtual folder. Regards, Albrecht Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information: http:/

Re: Where did the maintenance center go?

2008-08-02 Thread Marek Mikus
Hello all, Saturday, August 2, 2008, Andrew Gurinov wrote: > So do I. > TheBat v mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Bye Marek Mikus Czech support of The Bat! http://www.thebat.cz Using the best The Bat! under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2 with MyMacros,XMP,AnotherMacros, A

Re: Where did the maintenance center go?

2008-08-02 Thread Andrew Gurinov
Hello On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 4:03 AM, Rick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I can't find the maintenance center! So do I. TheBat v -- Best regards, Andrew Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information: http://www.silversto