Hi tbbeta,
On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, at 00:07:18 [GMT +0100] you wrote:

RE> Fellow Bat Lovers
RE> I'm  going  to  post  to the list as MIME attachments two messages my
RE> Mother  has  recently  received both of which crash The BAt both on my
RE> machine  and  hers.  I  can  however  open  them  and view in Pegasus,
RE> Lookout, and Operas mail client.
RE> Any  thoughts  on resolving this Bug most welcome. (I have reported to
RE> Ritlabs)

I've  tried  to  post  these attachments a number of times but I think
they are too big for the list.
Let  me  know  if  you  would  like  to help and i'll send them to you
Pure E-mail with The Bat! v1.62/Beta1 on Windows 98 4.10 Build 2222 A
Unfortunately I'm writing this without the aid of music                                

Thought for the day
"Perhaps  I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers
so deeply that he had to invent laughter."

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