Error when cleaning Trash

2006-03-19 Thread harlekin
Hi, when deleting Emails i get the error message (see pic). After this error message appears i can not use any keyboard shortcut anymore! I have to close and restart TB! in order to use it again! Even the menus don´t work anymore! Confirmations? -- Christian Grams <> ___


2006-03-16 Thread harlekin
Has anybody experienced problems with this? I´m trying to get IMAP with TLS working. Bascially the IMAP part with TLS works and all folders subscribed are being downloaded and shown. But the SMTP with TLS, so trying to send an email is not working. The TLS Handshake works fine then i always get t

Re[2]: Has RitLabs turned off the lighst?!

2006-03-10 Thread harlekin
Why, why do you have to ask when i have already written my answer? IT DOES NOT WORK - DUE TO ERRORS ALREADY REPORTED! Want me to start another thread reporting the exact same errors AGAIN? And i will keep to this TB! Version on my production system for Email as long as i want and do not need to e

Re[2]: Has RitLabs turned off the lighst?!

2006-03-10 Thread harlekin
The last Beta is not installed because it doesn't work properly at my end. Due to errors that have already been reported many a time. Which is why im asking the question: are the lights off? or is there more work being done? -- Christian Grams __

Has RitLabs turned off the lighst?!

2006-03-09 Thread harlekin
Hi everyone... just wondering what is happening... has RitLabs closed it´s Beta section for holidays or something else? Haven´t seen anything new in a while after being bombed by betas in the last rounds this is too quite. :) -- Christian Grams _

Re: 3.70.06 no reasonable folder name in confirmation dialog

2006-01-30 Thread harlekin
Confirmed at my end as well! -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV Current beta is 3.70.06 "Qigong" | 'Using TBBETA' information: IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link firs

EXE TB!3.65.03

2006-01-16 Thread harlekin
Please post a link to just the exe file. I only get Error 1315 when trying to use the msi. -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.65.2] Current beta is 3.65.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information: http://www.silve

Re: TB! 3.65.X

2006-01-15 Thread harlekin
Thankyou for the links! -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.51.10 (installed via MSI)] Current beta is 3.65.02 | 'Using TBBETA' information: IMPORTANT: T

TB! 3.65.X

2006-01-15 Thread harlekin
Why are the new Betas not online downloadable via TB! Beta Site? Could somebody please post the link to the newest Beta? Thankyou!! -- Harlekin's-EDV Christian Grams Mittelstrasse 18 34277 Fuldabrück GERMANY =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tel.: +49 561 8203156 Fax : +4

Re: 3.65.01 beta?

2006-01-10 Thread harlekin
And where is a new version up Voyager? -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.51.10 (installed via MSI)] Current beta is 3.65 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

TBV and Plugins (AntiSPAM & AntiVIRUS)

2005-12-23 Thread harlekin
I´m one of the very happy users of TBV. The only question / wish left open is the usage of Plugins with TBV. I would very much like to use an AntiVirus / SPAM Plugin which also works via the USB stick and does not need to be installed (especially windows registry). Can anybody help me out on this

Re[3]: The Bat! Voyager 3.63.15

2005-12-21 Thread harlekin
Thanks! Just found that out myself!! :) -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.51.10 (installed via MSI)] Current beta is 3.63.16 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: The Bat! Voyager 3.63.15

2005-12-19 Thread harlekin
Is there a link for just the voyager.exe itself without installer? thanks! -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.51.10 (installed via MSI)] Current beta is 3.63.15 | 'Using TBBETA' information: http://www.

Re[2]: 3.61.09 -> can´t delete anym ore!

2005-10-07 Thread harlekin
It means that the button is visible but deactivated (gray). Only when viewing the message itself can i delete it directly. Otherwise i can only use the delete all in folder function. Same is also in the current beta -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.61.10]

Re[2]: 3.61.09 -> canŽt delete any more!

2005-10-01 Thread harlekin
Sorry no - all are POP3 -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.61.09] Current beta is 3.61.09 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information: IMPORTANT: To register as

Re[2]: 3.61.09 -> canŽt delete any more!

2005-10-01 Thread harlekin
They are all POP3 accounts! -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.61.09] Current beta is 3.61.09 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information: IMPORTANT: To registe

3.61.09 -> can´t delete anymore!

2005-09-30 Thread harlekin
My "Trash" Button is deactivated! The only way i can delete a posting is by viewing it and clicking on go to next and delete this posting button. Also the delete button (keyboard) is not working in TB! -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.61.09] __

Re[2]: Bus in the filter manager

2005-08-02 Thread harlekin
Yes I mean the "Gemeinsame Filter". There is the option of choosing which accounts to use the filter with... this always gets deactivated after TB! gets shutdown and without an account activated the rule will not be applied. -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.51

Re[2]: [OT] miss something?

2005-08-01 Thread harlekin
Thankyou for the Info! Found it!! -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.51.10 (installed via MSI)] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Scanned with Copfilter Version 0.1.0beta7 (ProxSMTP 1.2.1) AntiVirus: ClamAV 0.86.1/1000 - Sun Jul 31 21:28:0

Bus in the filter manager

2005-08-01 Thread harlekin
Finally found the .10 :) There is still the same bug in the filter manager. When closing TB! and then starting it new... the very first filter rule setup (for me in the general rules section) is not attached to any aacount. This has to be re-done each time! Anybody else? -- Christian Grams Harl

[OT] miss something?

2005-08-01 Thread harlekin
Just noticed... my last message used TB! 3.51.9 but the last downloadable Beta is the *.8 ... and where is the *.10 which is the one being used and spoked about?? Sorry if i'm slow today... ! -- Christian Grams Harlekin's-EDV [using: Windows XP SP2 with TB!3.51.8 ] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

A few bugs in the system...

2005-08-01 Thread harlekin
I have noticed that when setting up TB! on a new system and transporting the backup from another to the new one - All accounts (except for the first one) are not imported properly and have to be setup again - All filter rules that where setup have to be edited to be "attached" to the accounts (all

TB!3.5.33 a couple of bugs?

2005-06-29 Thread harlekin
Hi folks... 1. could it be that the .33 version is not deleting postings on the server after picking up the newest ones? I have the option delete post after downloading it for all my pop3 accounts activated. But i noticed when getting new postings that i get something like: 15 posts on server 5 n

Re[2]: Test

2005-06-10 Thread harlekin
This macro is intended to run so that the message format is changed to the given format wanted. So when you add for example MFORMAT="HTML" in the template, when you create a new message or answer a message then the message you create is automatically set for message format HTML. Does it matter i

Re[2]: Mod: HTML use

2005-06-10 Thread harlekin
How true! :) -- using TB! 3.5.26 OS: Windows XP Build 2600 with Service Pack 2 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information: IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this

Re: [IGNORE] Test

2005-06-10 Thread harlekin
Have added this to the wishlist: --  using TB! 3.5.26 OS: Windows XP Build 2600 with Service Pack 2 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Test

2005-06-09 Thread harlekin
Many thanks for the quick answer! Will do this right away!! -- using TB! 3.5.26 OS: Windows XP Build 2600 with Service Pack 2 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information: IMP

Re[2]: Test

2005-06-09 Thread harlekin
Would love to add it! Where is this wishlist? :) Or just post in this mailing list a new thread? Thanks! -- using TB! 3.5.26 OS: Windows XP Build 2600 with Service Pack 2 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information: http://w

Re[2]: Test

2005-06-08 Thread harlekin
LOL :) Thanks... now should be better. Is there a Macro that can be added to a template to set the message format to MicroEd Text? -- using TB! 3.5.26 OS: Windows XP Build 2600 with Service Pack 2 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TB

Re[2]: [IGNORE] Test

2005-06-08 Thread harlekin
... and now? it´s "--[ENTER]" right? -- using TB! 3.5.26 OS: Windows XP Build 2600 with Service Pack 2 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information: IMPORTANT: To register a


2005-06-08 Thread harlekin
Just a quick test :) -- using TB! 3.5.26 OS: Windows XP Build 2600 with Service Pack 2 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information: IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use th