Hello Peter,

>>> To my knowledge, there is no country called "Holland".
M>> http://traveltoholland.org/holland-map/ :)
> Yeah, I know.....
> Can one get a passport being an inhabitant of "Holland" ?

Now a bit more seriously :) We know that the country is the Nederlands 
but, whether you like it or not, the fact is that in many languages 
(including English and Spanish) Holland is used many times to refer to 
the whole country.

See for example this:

,---[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netherlands_%28terminology%29#Holland ]
| In languages other than Dutch, including English, "Holland" is often
| used as a common but technically incorrect synonym for the Netherlands
| as a whole. Strictly speaking, it refers only to the central-western
| part of the country, which consists of two of the country's twelve
| provinces: North Holland and South Holland. This confusion between a
| part and its whole (pars pro toto) also exists with the names of other
| countries, such as Russia for the (former) Soviet Union or England for
| the United Kingdom (see also British Isles terminology).

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
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