Freitag, 1. Mai 2009 at 19:55, Maxim Masiutin wrote:

> The Bat! is available

up + running, after System new install.

Now running Debian Linux with XP in VirtualBox.

After Backup and Restore all my Common Quick-Templates are gone.

I am very glad, that the Common Filters are all here again.

My Virtual Subfolder of Common Folders do not refresh with the Filter
Conditions, i have to refresh manually.

Settings for Headers displayed in Messagelist are not backuped and

There is no Hint which gives a warning about installed Plugins in
Backup System to the Restore in new System.

Changes in the Symbol Bars are not in backup.

Now i will go to sleep and restore my Quick Templates tomorrow...

Please ignore the Signature :-(

With kind Regards
Jens Franik
Picture of me? X-Rogue
Schnellvorlage "tbver" konnte nicht gefunden werden
Schnellvorlage "winversion" konnte nicht gefunden werden
Schnellvorlage "pcinfo" konnte nicht gefunden werden
Schnellvorlage "popinfo" konnte nicht gefunden werden

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