Hello 9Val,

If you select the container "Security Popup (popup)" you get an AV.

Following Itmes produce a crash as reported in

SortingOffice_V3 - Search
SmartPad         - Date
SmartPad         - Quick Search
MailerForm       - eSearch
MessageFinder    - mvAttShowAs
MessageFinder    - mvAttShowIcon
MessageFinder    - mvAttShowLoc
AddressViewer    - mcbAddr
AddrBook         - eQuickSearch
MessageListViewer- mvAttShowAs
MessageListViewer- mvAttShowIcon
MessageListViewer- mvAttShowLoc
MessageListViewer- eSearch

In Customise|Available Items|mEdit
there are two entries "Left", one with icon and one without - guess one
is enough.

In Customise|Available Items|PopMgr
there seems to be lot of duplicates of Read|Receive|Delete|open

Feature Request: Please give us shortcuts for the arrows icons
(Ctrl+arrow?) and a double click on Itmes, should add the item.

Boris Anders, http://www.batboard.de

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