Het was op vrijdag 24 juni 2005 om 17:01 uur dat jij iets schreef over 'OT 
speed was A little roadmap' :

Hallo TonyOffTopic,
>>  I just bought a second-hand Apple.... G3/233
>>  Somehow Mac OS feels more secure than Bat OS

TB> Beat ya, mine a G3/500 :)

TB> What's the comparison between Mac speed and PC speed? This only seems 
TB> marginally slower than my 2.4 P4.

 exactly why Apple is way superior over pc's.
 Always has been, and probably always will be.

 I've been wanting an Apple for years... next to my pc of course.
 The   same   thing   that goes for Unix (as an OS) also goes for Apple: it's
 way  superior  to  any  pc  equivalent, but not too many people have/use it.
 Hence:  sometimes hard to get, more expensive and less software than for the

 But  I'm  a  volunteer for a foundation that helps people relocating pets in
 the  sad  cases  that that has to be done (death of owner, allergy, you name
 it...).  A previous co-worker, a graphic designer no longer works for us, so
 I  volunteered  to do the next news-letter. Which is made using QuarkXpress.
 And most printing-offices use a Mac.

 Oh, I'm the webmaster, and graphic design has been a hobby for me for years!


Zen Debate: What is the sound of one Rush shutting up? 
The Bat!  :bat2angel:  3.5.30 [A12F0392] running on Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 
Service Pack 2

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Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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