[Reply to: »Jens Franik« · 2009-04-18 · 20:38 h (CET)]

Moin, Jens!

>> Not only if there are more than one attachment the number is not
>> shown, but there are messages with attachments with no attachment
>> symbol (see the attached image)

> I already wrote, that some kind of Filetypes have been not counted,
> maybe this are all the same Filetypes you have in this Mail?

I bet the not counted/displayed attachments are embedded graphics of
HTML eMails.

It is rumored, it WAD, that these files are not shown as attachments
in the Message List, whereas the attachment tabs or attachment button
in the message preview are actually present. It’s a real long and old
story, which you wont be able to change.

> .·¨[<mid:1313564803.20060912131...@ahrendt.net>]¨·.
> ·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—
> So why are there still the (attachment) tabs for these files at the
> bottom of the preview pane? And why are they listed in the
> attachment pane or why is the attachment button displayed?
> This is inconsistent and does not make sense, so this one is a bug
> and not a feature.
> ·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—·—


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