
  I just noticed that the connection centre has an inability to
  count... or even the user interface has an inability to stay
  consistent and update. I just told TB to dispatch all messages on
  the mail server, while waiting for the dispatcher to pop up, I
  waited for a while, wondering what was taking so long, loaded up the
  connection center, it said it'd performed 0% of the operation, and
  had taken 8 minutes to do so.

  I then expanded the connection center to look at the details, and
  notice that it was working on message 614 of 1.


  As this is a minor display thing, it isn't too important... just
  frustrating as I had to expand the connection centre window twice
  after killing it the first time, not realizing that it really was
  working. Just 3 minor mistakes ;)

    [1] # of message is wrong in the incremental counter, but correct
        for the total number of messages.
    [2] The % completed doesn't update (top half of the connection
    [3] The number of messages processed doesn't update (also top half
        of the connection centre).

Jonathan Angliss

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