Re: HTML Quick Template is pasted as HTML code

2008-12-10 Thread Alain de Gevigney
Title: Re: HTML Quick Template is pasted as HTML code Hello Marek,  On  Wed, 10 Dec 2008 at 12:05:19 [GMT +0100] (which was 12:05 where I live) you wrote: > as I have tested issue now in >, I can no longer confirm it. > Anybod

Re: HTML Quick Template is pasted as HTML code

2008-12-10 Thread Marek Mikus
Hello all, Wednesday, December 10, 2008, Ian A. White wrote: > Are you saying that it is fixed? > Over here, if I attempt to insert a QT that has been formatted as HTML > into a message where the editor is set to HTML, I still get the HTML > code only. I have pasted HTML QT to HTML editor and

HTML Quick Template is pasted as HTML code

2008-12-10 Thread Marek Mikus
Hello, as I have tested issue now in, I can no longer confirm it. Anybody is able to reproduce or we can finally close this as fixed? :-) -- Thanks and Bye, Marek Mikus Czech support of The Bat! Using the best The Bat!

Re: HTML Quick Template is pasted as HTML code

2008-11-14 Thread Stefan Tanurkov
Hello Marek, MM> when I create new HTML QT and paste it to text of HTML message, it is MM> pasted as HTML code allways. Confirmed, it's not working yet. -- Cheers! Stefan ...Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make real computers act like the ones in movies. _

HTML Quick Template is pasted as HTML code

2008-11-14 Thread Marek Mikus
Hello, when I create new HTML QT and paste it to text of HTML message, it is pasted as HTML code allways. Maybe this could be an option? :-) reported in -- Thanks and Bye, Marek Mikus Czech support of The Bat! Using the best Th