DAC> While I don't intend to tread on your wish list in any way, I must say
DAC> that had I had it, I would have used the calculator twice yesterday
DAC> and saved quite a bit of time and hassle in the process.

winkey+r then type calc, it's that simple
I see no reason for a calculator in TB, altho I won't complain either
as a calculator is one of the simplest programs ever made. In the
Visual Basic class I took it was our very first program, so it's not
like it wasted alot of time or something. It's just useless.

The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is
waiting. - Fran Levowitz
Using The Bat! v1.54 Beta/9
System: AMD K6-2 500; 384mb Ram
OS: Windows XP Professional
Until Next Time,
  Screwyluie                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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