KV>> I  noted  that  by  increasing  the number of QTs in my TB and Voyager
KV>> slows  down when I am moving across folders. I mean, the displaying of
KV>> message list in a folder took sometimes 1-2 seconds to show. I had ca.
KV>> 20  QTs,  that I normally set to share between all accounts. I cut out
KV>> some, ca. 10, and my Voyager became MUCH faster.
KV>> What is the reason? I dont get it... This thing is reproducible at me.
> Is it possible that there is a macro in one of the eliminated QTs that
> may be causing the problem? I have 15 QTs shared across 4 accounts
> with no slowdown.

The question is, WHY does it matter, what the QTs are containing in
regard of the speed/CPU use of the program?

Maybe they are loaded each time I switch folders? I had LONG QTs (I
mean like 50-100 lines of text), but should this matter?


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