Title: Re[2]: TB! Backup - usage of more than 1 core while compressing
Hi Jernej,

Monday, May 16, 2011, 12:52:37 PM, Jernej wrote:

> On Monday, May 16, 2011, 16:40:50, RS wrote:

>> I   did  some testing on concerning LZMA2 algorythm (and some more for
>> comparision).   LZMA is available on GPL license and probably LZMA can
>> be implemented with usage of 7ZIP DLL file as well.

> Hint: you can't directly use code licensed under the GPL license in a
> project that is not licensed under GPL. Though IIRC, the LZMA library
> uses a far more permissive license.

There is the GPL and also the LGPL. LGPL allows closed source projects to use the code with a few caveats, like for example displaying the credits somewhere in the application, and a few other minor niggles that I can't remember well enough at the moment.

As far as the LZMA is concerned, this little bit from Wikipedia:

"The LZMA implementation extracted from 7-Zip is available as LZMA SDK. It was placed by Igor Pavlov in the public domain on December 2, 2008, with the release of version 4.62"


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