12/2/2005 10:57 AM Hi Vili,
On 12/2/2005 Vili wrote: V> Hello Peter, SC>>> I can not find the archived message, but I hope you are right about SC>>> it being looked into. >> Remove the trailing ")" - a TB! problem. V> No, it is not a TB problem. It is a user laziness problem... Put a V> space after the link, and it would work. There must be rules... Next V> time the user complains that "blahblahblah.html)" WITH the bracket is V> the link, and BS TB! does not handle it right... V> Come on people... Amen. -- Take Care, Paul The Bat! v.3.63.05 (Beta) on Win2k SP4-Rollup1 5.0.2195 No IMAP No OTFE Opera 9 Beta 1 ________________________________________________________ Current beta is 3.63.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information: http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first - http://www.ritlabs.com/en/partners/testers/