Hello Roger,

on Tue, 26 Apr 2005 13:09:58 +0200 GMT your local time you wrote:

PH>> Therefore it should go without saying that it is accessible with the
PH>> same (meanwhile standardized) hotkey in this context

RP> It works like that here.

do you mean that pressing <Ctrl+P> in the View Folder window will open the
print dialog WITHOUT you having defined the hotkey manually in the
customisation menu?

It does not do that here nor on my other TB installation at work.

RP> Not  confirmed  here,  it works entirely normally with the View Folder
RP> remaining in view.

Strange, since here at home the View Folder window remains in view, too! Not
so at work, where it closes and the focus is handled over to the main
application window. Both are the same TB versions. <...wondering...>


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