Hello Van Noord,

KV> IT IS NOT ABOUT GMAIL. Please read the mails we exchanged.
> I  have  been reading the thread. For practical purposes it is about
> Gmail.

No. If you really read it, it is about that when a mail downloaded but
not imported, let the user know it. Put it into their face.

> I  have  hundreds  of TB users in many countries around the world. I
> teach  them  about  the  Log  because  I  want  them to be aware and
> enabled, not controlled by ignorance.

You  dont  see  the point here. It is about John Doe, who buys TB from
Cifnet  with  his  credit  card, and does not want to look at a 1-line
pane  at  the  bottom  of  his  screen  IF  TB  does not work as it is
designed..  And  even  if he does, what does he see there? Please read
Elliott's initial mail. Better, I paste his log:

19/11/2008, 19:46:31: FETCH - receiving mail messages
19/11/2008, 19:46:33: FETCH - Initiating TLS handshake
19/11/2008, 19:46:34: FETCH - Certificate S/N: 1A2280FB, algorithm: RSA (512 
bits), issued from 29/10/2008 22:32:35 to 24/10/2028 22:32:35, for 1 host(s): 
19/11/2008, 19:46:34: FETCH - Owner: EN, pop.gmail.com.
19/11/2008, 19:46:34: FETCH - This certificate is self-issued.
19/11/2008, 19:46:34: FETCH - TLS handshake complete
19/11/2008, 19:46:34: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
19/11/2008, 19:46:35: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
19/11/2008, 19:46:35: FETCH - 3 messages in the mailbox, 3 new
19/11/2008, 19:46:36: FETCH - Received message from Mark Laridon <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, size: 3065 bytes, subject: "Meeting Wednesday 3rd December"
19/11/2008, 19:46:36: FETCH - Received message from "Geoff Boult" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, size: 3640 bytes, subject: "VAT"
19/11/2008, 19:46:36: FETCH - Received message from Mark Laridon <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>, size: 3397 bytes, subject: "Re: VAT"
!19/11/2008, 19:47:08: FETCH - could not store message (file name - 
!19/11/2008, 19:47:43: FETCH - could not store message (file name - 
!19/11/2008, 19:48:13: FETCH - could not store message (file name - 
19/11/2008, 19:48:13: FETCH - connection finished - 3 messages received

Last  line:  oh,  wow,  3 messages received? (That is what they see in
that  1-line  status  window.)  TB WAD? Everything is ok? Where in the
hell  is  that  3 received mail??? Where it is described in the manual
what   that   "FETCH   -   could   not  store  message  (file  name  -
C:\DOCUME~1\Davide\LOCALS~1\Temp\bat623.tmp)"  means?  Huh???  I  dont
remember  such  section.  You  teach  your TB customers (not really TB
customers, I am sure, they dont pay _only_ for TB) this too????

I am sarcastic? Yes, you bet. My intention is to make TB better. If it
needs sarcasm, let's go that way. 

> On  the  _very  rare_  occasion that a message doesn't download they
> know  where to look for the reason, and, can view all of the account
> activity.  

How  can  you  differentiate  between: a.) connection is ok, but mails
cannot  be  imported  or  b.) everything was ok? Check the log all the

> Also,  all  users  are  taught  how  to  use  the webmail
> interface for their account(s).

Why the hell is this important here? I know only one reason: you want 
to show how great you are. Ok, I send you a pin for this.

> How  many  times  have you, or another user, had this problem with a
> service  other than Gmail? 

This is what shows your ignorance. When a bug detected, that should be
corrected. Even if the chance that bug causing a problem is slim. That
is called good programming attitude. I repeat: if the bug DETECTED and

And please, can we finally forget GMail???

> It  was Gmail that started this thread. It is still about Gmail with
> a miniscule need for this using other providers.

So,  if  somebody  would cut your phone and internet lines, what would
you  say  if your provider would say: Sir, it just affects you, so who

You are totally ignorant...

> I  am  not against an error message for non-downloadable messages. I
> am totally against a large _red_ panic message as you suggest.

Ok, it can be blue if that helps. :)


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