Hi Allie,

AM> Interesting what you do there. Isn't the laptop connectable to the
AM> Internet? Why don't you connect to the server and do the
AM> synchronisation?

Of course it is. But until a week ago I was using ISDN dial-up and had
no intention of transfering the same data twice. Now though I'm no
longer limited to dial-up, I still see no reason why I should do this.
If one client can access the mailbase, so can two. The only problem is
that it theoretically isn't a mailbase in the first place, but a cache
that may differ between two machines. In practice, though, it doesn't,
and the things that don't work with this constellation are rather bugs
than limitations by technology.

Besides, I have local folders that I want to share, too. Here I know
of no way to transfer them in another way since they are not on any
external mailserver but my private network.

AM> I'm wondering if the cache files have the appropriate names.

Why wouldn't they?

AM> The essence of IMAP is not having to do what you're doing. You can
AM> have the same thing happening on multiple machines without having
AM> to copy from one to the other.

Provided each of the machines has a permanent connection to the
IMAP-Server, which is only true if you don't move the client.
Otherwise, as with my laptop, there are always times without
connection, be it disconnected from my private network in my case or
disconnected from the Internet as in your case.

To make no provisions for this case is neglegent at the least and most
definitly impractical.

AM> Deleting deleted is the same as compressing/expunging.

Of course. A short blackout. ;-)

>> I'm using v3.02 (productive) [...]
AM> That's a pretty early version there. TB!'s IMAP has undergone a lot of
AM> changes since. I actually am using it now, when I just didn't use it
AM> then.

v3.5 and on has so many deficiencies that I'm definitly not going to
transfer it into productive use in its current state. That's absolutly
out of the question.

The missing of the auto-width-option for the "browse-messages"-window
alone disqualifies it. For the life of me I can't understand why a
perfectly good, working option was just taken out, apparently without
replacement. Funny that the result was then called an improvement of
the GUI.

AM> IMO, you shouldn't be using IMAP.

I have to, for these reasons:

- I want seperate folders with the ability of server-side filtering by
my provider.

- I want to be able to use both a mail client and my provider's
web-frontend to access mail. If I used POP, I would constantly have to
worry about what mail to delete where.

AM> IMAP is about relying on an open connection.

But it is not limited to this use. Mulberry proves it.

AM> The disconnect mode should be for exceptional circumstances and
AM> not a routine.

Says who? I think it can perfectly be handled and give the use the
best of both worlds. It's only TheBat that can't quite cope. May I
dare to say "yet"?

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