Hi All,

How many sort by 'Created' and 'Descending' (old mail at the top of
the message list, new at the bottom)?

Of you folks, how many would like to see more new mail in the message
list, and less old mail?

I have brought this up once before, I think, and it still is a pain
that I think the developers might be able to fix in heartbeat.

AGENT has the capability to set the scroll margin (rows) number. This
means that you can force the focus to remain x rows above the end of
the list.  Right now, I see only two, or sometimes three new messages
at a time in my message list, versus 8 read messages.  I'd like very
much to reverse that ratio.  I want to get a bigger picture of the
new mail in a folder or inbox than TB is giving me.

Am I right in thinking this capability might be easily added, and
that it is desirable?  I certainly want it.



Using The Bat! v1.54 Beta/47 on Windows 2000
5.0 Build 2195
Service Pack 2

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