Hello Tbbeta,    

Please try Voyager


What's new since Voyager released on 22-Jun-2012?

[-] Stack overflow when trying to parse malicious or malformed HTML with too 
many nesting tags
[-] (#0000014) Wrong timezone offset in header of new message if "(GMT) 
Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London" timezone is used and 
it's daylight saving time
[*] System folders (like Inbox, Outbox, Trash, etc) can now have their own 
settings for templates, deletion etc.
[+] Profiles for refiltering a folder
[+] Filter action to add/delete addresses to/from address book can extract 
target addresses from message body with template
[*] If files were dropped onto an Address History item, the editor uses the 
correspoing e-mail address as the destination
[*] Some visual fixes in "View Mode Setup"
[-] "Resend" message action must use "Delivery type" option in "Account 
Properties" to send message immediately or put it in Outbox
[-] "-ERR Invalid command" response from POP3 server when trying to open 
message in Message Dispatcher
[*] Empty lines are now correctly appears in POP.log
[*] Empty lines are now correctly appear in SMTP.log
[-] Access Violation when trying to save attachment with drag&drop from message 
opened from disk file (anti-virus check enabled)
[+] It is now possible to quick search folders in the folder selection dialogue
[-] Application freezes when doing mass mailing of big messages
[+] Nickname (Handle) from Address Book can be used in TO parameter of /MAIL 
switch in command line
[+] Nicknames (Handles) from Address Book are automatically expanded when used 
in address macros (TO, CC, ...) in templates
[-] Problem when coping/moving several messages between folders of the same 
Gmail account
[*] Double clicking on a list column separator expands column to fit its 
[-] File selection dialog used main form as parent window on WinXP (hiding 
current window - message editor or address book)
[-] Memory corruption if Message Finder was closed when searching is in progress
[-] System Hotkey "Open MailTicker messages" didn't bring opened message to 
front on Windows XP
[+] Folder set tabs in the folder selection dialogue
[*] When account is creating by selecting folder in MAIL folder then account 
name and home directory are automatically filled
[*] Image contents is used to determine real image type (for example, name has 
PNG extension but there is GIF image inside)
[-] Possible deadlock when updating counters for IMAP folder
[-] (#0000058) Attached graphics no longer show as tabs
[+] Option to wrap test in "Plain text (Windows)" editor
[-] (#0000059) Certain Graphics cannot be accessed with the tabs
[-] Possible access violations related to logging subsystem
[-] The Bat! could report errors on some received S/MIME messages that were 
encrypted by weak keys
[-] (#0000041) The option to confirm deletion of a message group was ignored 
[-] Image tab cannot be selected if image is damaged or has invalid format
[*] Some images were fixed (logotype and etc.)
[*] Plug-in notifications are more resistant to plug-in errors
[-] The "/OP:" command line parameter (for invoking folder maintenance tasks) 
was not functional
[-] Internal HTML viewer cannot correctly display messages in Japanese charset
[-] Some IMAP servers (g.g. Zimbra) could not tolerate the ID command to be 
sent simultaneously with Login
[-] Edition Type (Home/Professional) wasn't displayed in the about box.
[-] Fixes for Mail Dispatcher list/header view size and list font
[-] When a sub-set of folders was restored and those folders didn't exist 
already, they were created under the account's Inbox folder
[+] highlighting of the iecm:// protocol in URLs
[-] Not all Google contacts are imported in address book
[-] Changed Character Sets (XLAT) ware not stored (Options > Preferences > 
Other options)
[-] When editing character set "Translation FROM Windows" cannot be saved 
(Options > Preferences > Other options > Character Sets (XLAT))
[-] when an HTML message was loaded for editing, viewer options were used
[*] Photo of the recepient is shown (if available) for messages in the Sent and 
Outbox folder
[+] Quick Reply feature is now available from the message Preview Pane
[*] Quick Reply some cosmetics fixes
[-] Inline images for HTML formatted messages were not shown if system HTML was 
[-] Fixed "Error reading xtSigners.Options: Invalid property value" when 
verifying S/MIME messages
[*] Text fixes was made  in Quick Reply
[*] Cosmetic fixes at The Bat! Preferences (Html Viewer)
[-] Added support for PGP 10.0.2
[*] Fixes in the Html Viewer form (description of the settings were not visible)
[-] AV when closing "Select folders" dialog for virtual folder (if there isn't 
selection in folder tree)
[*] Automatic yahoo.co.uk settings have been implemented
[-] When Microsoft CryptoAPI implementation was used for TLS, and a certificate 
did contain multiple hosts, The Bat! took only one host.
[*] The Bat! now adds SmimeCapailities attribute to signed messages
[-] White-space characters must be skipped in BASE64-encoded message part
[+] Added a new  item "Workspace" to the Main Menu
[+] Items in "Workspace" were changed
[*] Fixes in Main Menu(View and Workspace)
[*] Some new items were added
[-] Hotkeys were not working in the Quick Reply before the pop-up menu was 
explicitly called (Beta issue)
[+] Quick Templates can be used in the Quick Reply editor by Ctrl+Space (Beta 
[-] When IMAP folder's cache was checked for integrity partially loaded 
messages were generating errors
[*] It is now possible to set Quick Reply template per folder basis (Beta issue)
[-] Quikc Templates of IMAP folders were stored in wrong place making QR 
impossible (Beta issue) 
[*] Some Quick Reply cosmetics - size control, menu item, etc (Beta issue)
[-] Message Source Viewer was not using colours from the Preferences
[-] (#0000022) "Copy folder columns settings" was working only if a ViewMode 
was associated with a folder
[-] IMAP. Remotely stored viewable attachments are not shown as tabs
[*] Message Search now starts from the latest messages in local folders
[-] IMAP. AV when trying to view message which contains image as the sole 
element of structure (message has Content-Type: image/*)
[-] QT editor could not be called (Beta issue)
[-] IMAP. Application hangs when trying to view message which contains image as 
the sole element of structure (message has Content-Type: image/*)
[*] Message about invalid regular expression in sorting rule is stored in 
account log
[*] A warning is given when a filter containg a wrong Regular Expression
[-] Original message wasn't marked as read when it was replied
[-] (#0000098) Source View was not decrypting message source in OTFE mode
[-] The "Limit first column auto-expansion" option was not working in threaded 
message lists
[-] Folder maintenance cannot be stopped
[-] Sometimes The Bat! did import Microsoft Outlook messages without 
[-] (#0000081) It was not possible to define delivery type for forwarding 
several messages to the same address(es)
[-] Multiple messages to the same address were forwarded with the source 
messages attached 
[*] IMAP. Folder should be unsubscribed before deletion (some server are know 
to keep subscription for deleted folders)
[*] IMAP. More smart algorithm to determine UID of appended message in the 
absence of UIDPLUS extension
[-] IMAP. BEFORE and AFTER criteria produce invalid SEARCH command
[*] Read Filters are now executed in an additional thread (in order to reduce 
workload on the main thread) 
[-] Warning about group deletion if a group contained only one message 
displayed as the root of a tree branch
[-] IMAP. AFTER criteria produce invalid SEARCH command
[*] AFTER condition is placed before BEFORE condition in Message Finder dialog 
(to specify date interval more naturally)
[-] Some valid JPEG images are reported as damaged on image tab
[-] The Bat! didn't check for updates at start-up even when this option was 
configured ON
[*] "Check for updates when The Bat! starts" option has moved from the 
stand-alone tab in the Preferences dialog to the "Confirmations" page
[-] The "Invalid Handle" error under OTFE (BEta issue)
[-] Fixed the "Invalid handle" error (BETA issue)
[-] Quick Reply pane was not shown (Beta issue)
[*] The "Mark replied messages as read automatically" option in an account's 
[-] Quick-Replied messages were not marked as replied nor processed by replied 
filters (Beta issue)
[*] yandex.ru was added in serverinfo.ini
[-] The "Cannot assign a nil to a TFont" error in the Preferences dialogue 
(Beta issue)
[-] Images with internally unsupported format were reported as damaged
[-] Accelerator "R" was used for several fields in "Search And Replace" dialog
[*] (#0000111) When a message is created from an address book, the Subject 
field is focused by default if the field is empty, the body is focused if 
subject is not empty (eg filled by a template)
[*] A note was added in "Shortcut Editor" dialog that only one shortcut per 
item is supported (Toolbat2000 limitation)
[-] It wasn't possible to use macros in account name portion of folder path in 
move/copy filter action
[*] The "Mark replied messages as read automatically" option is on by default 
(for new accounts)
[*] Warning is now given when another message is selected when Quick Reply text 
is not empty (Beta issue)
[*] It's now possible to clear(or send/save as draft/open in editor) Quick 
Reply contents by pressing Ctrl+F4 (Beta issue)
[-] IMAP. Some filter actions cannot be executed if message is stored remotely 
(full message must be downloaded in local cache)
[-] Wrong "Reply-To" header when a message was sent after editing as new
[-] The "New tag" command was not working at the "Tags" page of the preferences 
dialogue (Beta issue)
[*] Separate setting for Quick Reply pane in addtional message viewers
[*] Message Dispatcher: Creation Date/Time is now shown accordingly to the 
message list settings
[-] Possible errors caused by deletion of a ViewMode when it was used in a 
visible message list
[*] Better handling of additional mouse buttons
[*] HTML templates used for Mass Mailing now generate multipart/related parts 
if they contain inline images
[-] (#0000119) Read filters could not be triggered sometimes
[-] The default external image download rule was always reset to "Reject 
unknown" after restart if no additional rules were defined 
[-] IMAP. Deadlock when loading some messages
[-] (#0000127) When smilies are shown, some HTML messages could be shown garbled
[*] Christmas Splash Screen
[-] IMAP. AV when loading new messages (BETA issue)
[-] "Out of system resources" error when multiple Folder Maintenance tasks was 
simultaneously started by Scheduler
[-] Task destruction wasn't thread safe (BETA issue)
[-] Abstract class was created (BETA issue)
[-] IMAP. Memory leaks was fixed
[+] Warning than IMAP Folder Manager should be used to delete IMAP folders
[-] Folder tree could be not refreshed properly after deletion of an IMAP folder
[-] IMAP. Download preferences wasn't used for folder synchronization
[-] IMAP. Deadlock while doing Folder Maintenance
[-] It wasn't possible to stop search process
[+] Mark message as Replied/Forwarded filter action
[-] Source View - the Print function was not working correctly 
[*] Some mailers are known to violate RFC2047 5.(3) and split multi-octet 
character across adjacent 'encoded-word's (we concatenate adjacent 
'encoded-word's with the same charset to work around this issue)
[-] "TTaskUpdater.DecUse: negative reference counter, already destroyed!" error 
while performing folder maintenance
[-] Message Finder: Option for searchin of whole words only was ignored

Best regards,
 Maxim Masiutin
 Managing director
 Ritlabs S.R.L.

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