
I've sent the same message to TBUDL, but now I think it's worth
submitting on the techie list, too. (Hope I'm not _terribly_ wrong in
doing that - this is my first day on this list, unlike TBUDL which I
used to read long ago. Still, I don't consider myself as a 100%
newbie, with 20 years of computer experience, IT translations, etc.:))
I'm now curious to know whether version 2.x has any sort of locking
implemented. I've read some discussions on that subject by Thomas
Fernandez and others on TBUDL back in March 2003; now I'm trying
version 2.02.03CE, and you probably know better than I do whether
anything has changed (or if not, then whether anything _is_ going to
change) in those terms. Hope somebody would enlighten me on that.

Maksym Kozub, MK881-UANIC    mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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