On this forum, I see some recent discussions about "embedding jpeg
image into mass mailing template". I just downloaded TB! yesterday
with the Bits special and I was especially playing with inline images.
I am used to using Eudora, which pastes and sends easily, but
sometimes it has garbled the images, especially when more than two
are in one post. By garbled, I mean the 3rd image might show up as
the 2nd image, twice. Others do not report that problem, and that is
an ongoing discussion in Eudora land. So my hope is to have a
sending program that is pretty much rock solid in regard to sending
multiple inilne images in one email (This is often little snippets of
google books for pure Bible related discussions).
In my tests, with TB! inline images (I would put 2 or 3 or 4 in a
post) went fine to gmail. Received as attachments I think, but
placed in their proper place in the body of the mail. And similarly
fine, when downloaded in another mailbox back to my own Bat! inbox
download. However Eudora received them with blank or dark spaces in
the body, and the pics showing up as a group in the bottom of the
email. Which is not practicable, usable.
My conjecture was that this has to do with TB! architecture. Am I
correct that the pics are embedded in the actual .TBB mailbox ? (In
Eudora the .mbx is a text file, pointing to pictures in a special
folder.) If so, this could explain the uneven or inconsistent
rendering by various email clients on the receiving end.
Thanks for your help and thoughts on this.
It would also be a relevant point of consideration for mass mailing
templates, as well.
Steven Avery
Bayside, NY
Current version is 4.2.42 | 'Using TBUDL' information: