Hello all.

OK, assuming you've not filtered out my email completely because I'm
using Outlook 2000 :-), I have a question (or two).  I've just found The
Bat!, test-installed it (latest as of yesterday, 1.62 is it?), and it
looks good, but it seems to me that a move from one email client to
another will be a massive investment of my time.

1. Is it worth it? (OK, I know you're all going to say yes!)
2. (for ex-Outlook 2000 users)  Being honest, are there any things that
OL 2000 does that you cannot do in TB!, that you miss?

Some small examples seem to be that:
- I cannot open different folders at once in different windows
- I cannot save searches and thus make explorer short cuts to them
- I cannot import OL filter rules (OK that's a one shot problem, but I
do have loads)
- I cannot export folders back to OL .PST files - this makes a migration
more risky

I'd be glad of any workarounds to these, plus feedback on the questions

I've also not been massively impressed with stability / quality.  The
uninstaller doesn't work, for a start, and I've had a few 'crashes'
(didn't bother recording the details...)  Thoughts on this?

cheers    __Andy__

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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