Received Date - Weird!

2003-09-03 Thread Bareges
Evening Bat Users, Have like many moved up to Version 2.0 but have noticed strange received date {wasn't there in 1.63}... 'Created date' shows 31 Aug2003 'Received Date'shows 31 Aug2037 11.12. Anyone else spotted this stramge behaviour? How can I {at least with this particular example}

Configure TB to run NAV 2003 in conjunction with Spampal

2003-08-01 Thread Bareges
Good Evening, As the very first post ever I apologise if I don't get it right. I would very much appreciate guidance on how I configure TB to run Norton AV 2003 whilst using Spampal. For those not familar with Spampal [ free spam killer app ] it sits between your email client and the Net and