Hello Abigail M. [AM],
Sometime around Monday, January 08, 2001, 7:14:44 PM, you wrote:
AM> If there is to be a change in future releases of TB, PLEASE allow this
AM> to be an option, with the DEFAULT setting being to not download
AM> images.
AM> This is just my preference, but for me it is a main reason that I
AM> switched to TB - I don't have a fast connection, and TB's automatic
AM> rejection of image files speeds up the download time tremendously and
AM> also eliminates pesky banner ads.
Amen to that. I also switched to Tb for the regexp options and for
the simple fact that it does NOT download outside images. I don't
feel like going and telling anyone whether or not I view their email
and how many times I view it.
To lazy to do a cool signature as yet.
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