Hi all,

I've  been using TB for some time now, in a very simple way, and would
now  like  to  add  Anti-Spam  capability to it, as not everyone of my
e-mail service providers does a good job filtering spam.

I  would  like  to  receive  some  recommendations,  based on personal
experience, as to which Anti-Spam Plugin solution would be worthwhile.
I wouldn't mind paying something for a working solution.

The  very  reason  for  this  question  is  my  recent tryout with the
Anti-Spam  Marisuite  Plugin,  which  did  absolutely  nothing  to  my
incoming  messages. After a short exchange with the supplier it became
clear  that  Marisuite  does  not do IMAP filtering because of lack of
support in the TB API that the plugins use (at least this is what they
say).  Nearly  all  my  mailboxes are IMAP boxes, so the solution will
need to work with IMAP as well as with POP3. I'm trying to save myself
from further futile experiments...

I will be very greatful for all suggestions.

Jouni Kukkonen

Current version is 4.2.6 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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