Hello Dirigo,

My Forward template uses %Text, no '>' in there, as I expected.
Reply templates using %Quotes are supposed to use the '>'.

* * * This is a forwarded message. * * *

===8<==== Original sender / recipient =================

From        : Dirigo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To          : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date        : 2004-04-09, 01:01
Subject     : How does one eliminate the ">" when replying or forwarding a message, 
but has %QUOTES in their reply/forward  template?
Attachments : <none>

========= Start of original message content ===========


Essentially what I would like to do is when I receive a
joke or some article of interest that I would like to send to another,
rather than creating a new message and perform a "cut and paste"
manuever, I would simply like to "forward" the message to another person
without the ">" symbol embedded.



Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:
===8<==== End of original message content =============

Kind regards,
Peter Ouwehand
- - -

Current version is 2.04.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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