Monday, February 28, 2000

Hi  folks, I know everybody is waiting for the TB - version 2, but I'd like
to  ask this anyway. On my machine ( Celeron 433, 64 MB RAM, 10 GB HD, Trio
S3 graphics with 4MB memory ) I'm having some 28 MB free physical memory on
boot up.

Starting TB 1.39 reduces this to 23 MB, creating new message ( this one I'm
writing  now  )  takes  it down to 21 MB, another new message to 18 MB free
memory. I start my browser dubble-clicking on URLs in the messages etc, the
memory  is  down  to  12  MB. OK, now, just to test it, I click on the "New
Message"  button  three  more  times, for each one the memory is reduced by
aprox.  3  MB.  The  strange part is that the memory isn't "delivered" back
even though I close all these new windows now I'm still at 8 MB, and I have
only this message and the main TB window opened. I'll save this message and
terminate  The  Bat  to  see if the same thing happens as before - the free
memory popped up immediatelly to 28 MB ...

I'm  back,  it  happened  again.  So my main question is if this is regular
behavior  of  TB, that it eats up a lot of physical memory or is it only on
my machine - because of some settings I might have but don't know of...,

The  program  I'm using to manage my RAM ( when the level falls bellow user
defined,  let's  say  6  MB,  it frees up 10MB ) and which gave me all this
memory  information  is  called Ram Page ( ), the smallest in
print of all similar programs I've tested. I'm usualy running many programs
at  the same time and I find it very usefull. My vcache is optimized by the
Cacheman  3.80, the swap file is permanent, regularly defragmented and on a
separate partition.

I know, I know, I should be buying more memory but guys, I'm a musician, if
I have some extra money, I'm running for a new guitar.... :o)


Kind regards,
Homesick Mac


Kind regards,
Homesick Mac

Homesick Mac

My system:
Celeron 433 , 64 MB RAM, S Trio graphics, 10 GB HD
Windows 98 second edition or Litestep
In the background I've got:
PC-Cillin 6.07, Ram Page, no more Zip Magic

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