Hello tbudl,
  as it was introdused in v1.60 the Microsoft CryptoAPI for S/MIME, I
  got a huge interest to use it, as I have 2 different types of secure
  tockens: iButton from Dallas Semiconductors (further reading from
  http://www.ibutton.com) and SchlumbergerSema's Cryptoflex 8K smart
  cards (http://www.cryptoflex.slb.com).

  CryptoAPI was the only way for me to use X.509 certificates stored
  on these secure tockens with TheBat.

  I went to Options|S/MIME, dialog box "S/MIME Preferences" opens,
  when I select Microsoft CryptoAPI. At this point an error box
  appears, this box is empty, in title it has "S/MIME Properties", in
  the middle left red circle with white X in it.

  At the same time original "S/MIME Preferences" window goes
  background the main TheBat window, and changes in its appearance: I
  could see "Cryptographic Sevice Provider" with "Default", and other
  two input fields for "Encryptoion Algorithm" and "Signing Hash
  Algorithm", these fields are empty.

  If I press OK on alert dialog box, TheBat returns me to "S/MIME
  Preferences" with "Internal Implementation" selected.

  Some words about my steps to solve this issue:
  I have installes InternetExplorer5.5SP2 -- same behaviour
  I have installed IE6.0 -- same

  I have visited www.verisign.com's DigitalID enrollment page, I could
  see all my Cryptographic Service Providers (MS Base, MS enhanced,
  Dallas Semicond CSP, Schlumberger CSP, and 2 DSS providers). The
  Dallas CSP works fine, I could enroll. The Schlumberger CSP works
  fine, I could enroll too.

  I am not so familiar with CSP on Windows, so would very appreciate
  any suggestions which could lead me to successfull use of secure
  tockens with TheBat on Windows98.

  If you need any extra info from -- just let me know, as I am very
  interested to track down this issue.


  Oleg Titov

Using The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 98
4.10 Build 2222

Current Ver: 1.60 / 1.60a
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