Hello all,

I finally got fed up with the Sambar webserver crashing every other
day, so I stayed up late last night and rebuilt it under Apache2.
Everything seems to be working fine.

So, if you run across something not working, please shoot me an
e-mail. Other than that, may the smiley and roguemoticon goodness
continue. <grin>


                          TBUDL/BETA/DEV/TECH Lists Moderator / PGP 0x6C0AB16B
 __    ____  ____  ____   Geocaching:                    http://gps.PCWize.com
(  )  ( ___)(_  _)( ___)  TBUDP Wiki Site:  http://www.PCWize.com/thebat/tbudp
 )(__  )__)  _)(_  )__)   Roguemoticons & Smileys:    http://PCWize.com/thebat
(____)(____)(____)(__)    PHP Tutorials and snippets:    http://www.DevTek.org

Sir, Deck Fourteen reports that the toilet's blocked.

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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