Saturday, March 04, 2000, 3:30:55 PM, you wrote:

 Hi Januk,

> Well, right now I use SSH through my telnet program and then I have
> the SMTP and POP3 ports forwarded using SSH port forwarding. So my TB
> uses the SMTP and POP3 ports on my local machine, and those have been
> forwarded to the Unix server's ports. This means that I have to launch
> my Telnet program and login, before TB is launched. If I could make
> this more seamless, I would be very pleased.

> Using a batch file, I can run the two programs simultaneously, so the
> mail server isn't ready for TB to check mail.  Or I can wait until
> I exit the SSH program, which is pointless since it needs to be
> running when TB checks the mail.

 I have done this very thing, initiating SSH and then using port
 forwarding for POP and SMTP traffic through a local port.  I'm new
 to this list so forgive redundance if it occurs... I now use SKIP,
 a bit of a predecessor to IPSEC.  All traffic between my Win98
 box and my remote Unix system is encrypted.  This includes mail as
 well as http, ftp, etc.  SKIP starts up on boot up in the Windows
 environment and of course, you would set it up to run when your
 Unix system boots as well in the way of a DAEMON or SERVER. It has
 been a wonderful migration as I never have to worry about sniffing,
 no matter what type of packets I am passing.  Nowadays there is IPSEC
 support for Win2000 (this is what I hear) and if your Unix end
 supports it, you could be set. As an FYI, we are running FreeBSD on
 the Unix side though we have gotten IPSEC to work with Linux as well
 with some small patches.

 You can get SKIP from Trustworks:, both the
 client and server.  Unfortunately, I don't have too much info on
 IPSEC in detail... this might be useful for you to get a real feel
 for the strengths (and possible weaknesses) for your uses.


 Tom McDonald  <--TB! user for about 1 year and I love it!

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