Hello Peter,

Sunday, July 28, 2002, 5:13:14 PM, you wrote:

JS>> I  went  into  Options/Message  List  colors & Fonts, changed it to 10
JS>> points... no result.

PP> That's strange, because this's it. This setting is for _message_ list
PP> in preview or folder view mode.

PP> So your first thought should be the solution.

PP> Try changing it to something 'extreme' like 'Tahoma Regular 20' and
PP> see if something happens and you've just not noticed the change in
PP> first place.

Thank  YOU!!!  I  think  I  literally  *unstuck*  the feature! Because
*after*  doing  the  20  point  number,  suddenly the font "agreed" to
reduce itself to what I wanted.
Phew!! It was sooo annoying having those billboard-size list.

Thanks again

Best regards,


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