Hello Cyber,

Monday, September 15, 2003, 9:47:18 AM, you wrote:

CT> Hello Christian Dysthe,

CT> Christian Dysthe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Monday,
CT> September 15, 2003 at 3:59:14 PM

CD>> Hello ,

CD>> I was playing around with BayesIT and when it caught it's first spam
CD>> mail the "Junk Mail" folder was created. However, since I am running
CD>> Spamassassin on my mail server with bayesian filtering enabled I do
CD>> not need this plug-in. I have therefore set up SpamPal which gets rid
CD>> of the few runaway spam mail Spamassassin lets through. I want to
CD>> install The Bat! 2.0 on a couple of other machines with SpamPal, but
CD>> can't figure out how to create the Junk Mail folder without having a
CD>> spam plug-in do it. Am I missing something obvious?

CT> If you want to move the messages that Spampal considers to be
CT> spam you have to manually create a new folder and make a filter in
CT> the account where you want to have it active.

CT> This process is being described on the site of Spampal 

CT> http://www.spampal.org/usermanual/clients/bat/bat.html

CT> it is self explanatory, for setting up the filter please look at point 3.4

CT> hope this is of assistance

Yes it was. Thanks! However, I would still like to know if it is
possible somehow to create the Junk Mail "System folder" with the red
cross somehow without having a plug-in do it.


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