Good evening Claude,

on Fri, 20 May 2005 20:54:56 +0200 GMT your local time you wrote:

CR> I could not use Thunderbird because I'm blind and it is not accessible.

Wow! I am impressed. You manage to deal with the computer as anybody else.

Back to your problem. Just to check your report I have removed the SecureBat 2
eToken installation on my notebook and replaced it with TheBat 3.5 Pro. (Which
was a problematic procedure, by the by.) For the daily work I am using TheBat
3.5 with iKey 1000 on my desktop. On the eToken installation I have also
updated the Aladin driver with the latest one recommended by Max Masiutin.
After done this I tried in both installations to store an account password on
the token.

With identical results:

!20.05.2005, 22:05:53: SEND  - Message has not been sent. Server reply - must 
be authenticated

It seems that TB is unable to pass the authentification data to the server if
we store the password on the token, no matter whether eToken or iKey.

Since this is a highly technical issue, we should pass this thread to Max.
Maybe he can give us some more hints on what to check out or what we are doing
wrong. Or - the best chance <g> - he can fix this issue.


  Using Ritlabs TheBat! 3.5 (OS: Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2)

Current version is 3.5 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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