Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-08 Thread Douglas Hinds
Hello Richard, Saturday, February 8, 2003, 2:46 AM, you continued this thread on html, TB! my suggestion: That is not true. Here's how I do it (it's very simple): 1).- The Mail Dispatcher will pull down as many lines as you set it for (I download 25). 2).- Selective Download will look

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-08 Thread Spike
Hello Paul Wilson, On or about Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 00:33:14GMT -0800 (which was 3:33 AM in the tropics where I live) Paul interjected: DH The last version of TB! to exclude html creation may well DH become a classic. PW And most likely the only one used in this house. If I wanted PW

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-07 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee
Hello Jurgen, Friday, February 7, 2003, 11:49:05 AM, you wrote: One thing I like it is it's not obtrusive, and I can turn it on or off at will. Here is my first message using the html editor. Could use a few more features like bullets, etc. JH Hello Csaba, JH Friday, February 7, 2003,

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-07 Thread Spike
Hello Csaba Kiss, On or about Friday, February 07, 2003 at 19:10:48GMT +0100 (which was 1:10 PM in the tropics where I live) Csaba Kiss inquired: S On or about Friday, February 07, 2003 at 11:54:54GMT -0500 S (which was 11:54 AM in the tropics where I live) Kenneth S. S Rhee blithered: CK How

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-07 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee
Hello Csaba, Friday, February 7, 2003, 1:53:07 PM, you wrote: CK I am sorry if I sounded mean. I still think that it does not CK mean if BAT is capable of doing this then CK it has to be done. You are perfectly OK not to use the new feature if that doesn't suit you, but that doesn't give you

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-07 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee
Hello Mary, Friday, February 7, 2003, 5:51:59 PM, you wrote: MB I truly dislike this! I had to put your message into the Reply text MB editor in order to read it. MB The colors are garish--on my screen--and hurt my eyes. The type is MB only half as large as the Courier New that I have set up to

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-07 Thread Kenneth S. Rhee
Hello Mary, Friday, February 7, 2003, 7:04:34 PM, you wrote: MB I do not ever want to see neon-bright colors and motion (of course, MB you didn't put motion, but that is possible, as I understand it, with MB html) on my screen. MB It gives me a headache. I do appreciate your sparing me this in

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-07 Thread Mike Alexander
Hi Spike, Friday, February 7, 2003, 3:03:07 PM, you wrote: KSR Looks like html editing has finally made it to the BAT. KSR I'm sure it will be greeted with delight or scorn depending KSR on your preference. S VOTE SCORN! /VOTE I match your scorn and add a contempt ;-) -- Best regards,

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-07 Thread Douglas Hinds
Hello Richard, Friday, February 7, 2003, 11:32 AM, you wrote in relation to the new TB! html editor html mail in general: RW I know people like it but I wish there was an option to strip all HTML RW mail instead of having to delete it manually. I know this has been RW discussed recently and

Re[2]: Looks like html makes to the BAT

2003-02-07 Thread Douglas Hinds
Hello Tim, Friday, February 7, 2003, 5:15 PM, you too wrote regarding html mail: T Why not just view the plain text version if you don't like the HTML T version? The formatting junk at the beginning is annoying, but T bearable. snip MB I greet it with a groan of dread. And I am not smiling.