Hi Britt,
Friday, May 21, 2004, 2:37:25 AM, you wrote:

>> That reminds of a similar problem I had when I first started using
>> The Bat. I ran across a suggestion to delete the bat*.tmp files from
>> my temp directory. There turned out to be thousands of them. As soon
>> as I did this all was well. You might try this. In my case I later
>> discovered that the import from Pegasus had created those thousands
>> of .tmp files and not cleaned them up.

BH> Dear, wonderful Wayne,
BH> your trick worked!!!!! I too had imported my mails into The Bat, and I
BH> found 36 425 (!) bat*.tmp-files, of which I of course had no idea,
BH> altogether 84 MB. I deleted them yesterday, and this morning the mail
BH> download worked without any problems. I'm so happy - a thousand thanks
BH> to you!

Glad I could help.  I went through the same experience you did and almost gave up 
until I came across a message in the old forums suggesting deleting those .tmp files.  
In my case the message I found was only obliquely related to my problem.  I tried it 
any way and, like you, was thrilled that it worked.

BH> List owners, please write this into you FAQ or make a note of it until
BH> the next beginner asks the same thing on this list! I was on the verge
BH> of giving up on the Bat because of this, since it was driving me mad,
BH> and I found it really strange that nobody could solve the problem at
BH> first. There must be loads of beginners who have their mails in
BH> another e-mail client and import them into the Bat.

I suspect that many potential The Bat users have been lost due to this.  Most people 
would likely just assume it's a bug in The Bat and move on to something out.  Only a 
few would take the time and effort to search through forum/list archives trying to 
find a solution.

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