Hello David Boggon,

On Wednesday, September 17, 2003 , at 07:35:42[GMT +0100]
(which was 08:35 where I live) 
David Boggon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: When can i usae specials-mark as junk

CT>> Please note that the specials only work if there is an anti
CT>> spam plugin active in the bat ( options / preferences / anti spam
CT>> ...)

DB> Does that include Bayesit? There is no info in the help file about the
DB> 'mark as junk' setting.

Apparantly is does include Bayesit (available at 
http://klirik.narod.ru/arc/bayesit04em.zip ) this is indeed a plugin and can be 
trained with the bat 


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