Hello Peter,

PP> First: don't form a new question by replying to an existing mail.
PP> Press <Alt>+1 to see where your message is sorted it ... no separately,
PP> but deep within an existing thread.

Sorry for that. I am new user of the mail client.

AM>> I chose the connection to STARTTLS and in the authentication menu

PP> Give 'Secure to dedicated port (TLS)' a try.
PP> This is how Netscape and MickeySoft-Products should be set up (if
PP> their documentation is correct).

I did try that, but I got an error "Can't connect to the server".
It's hard for me to figure out what is wrong since the log output
doesn't contain a lot of details.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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