Hello Lou,

Each workstation is running TB independently (and usually simultaneously).  We
originally choose TB because it makes it easy to share and access each other's
e-mail - something that can be important in a small office.  So, I guess we
don't really use Frank as a server, more as a repository of the e-mail.  Part of
my confusion arises from the fact that each workstation uses the same copy of TB
(residing on Frank).  Do we put the .bav file on Frank and on each workstation
try to use "the Add... function in TB's anti-virus menu", as Thomas suggested
for Frank?

LG>> So, here's the question.  Do I need to install the AVG plug-in separately for
LG>>   each workstation?  Or do I only need to install it on Frank?

LY> Does Frank process all mail for all users and then pass to the
LY> workstations? That is, is it a mail server? If a workstation, running
LY> TB, pulls the mail from a POP server on the internet, then it should
LY> do its own AV. If it only pulls mail from Frank (which has already run
LY> an AV email scanner), then it doesn't need to do more AV scanning.

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v1.62i on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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