click Account; click Sorting/Office filters
click on the plus by inbox. Select <Known>
Click "this rule is active" should result in a check in that box.
In the list box above one or more address books will be listed.  Check
those that you want searched to make a match.
Move this filter to the bottom of the list of filters with exception
of any spam filters.

If this continues to work for me as it has so far, it will be a far
better spam filer than any you can build yourself as it captures by
exception rather than having to have a match on a spam ID.  It ends up
making your normal inbox the spam box (in affect).

Monday, March 25, 2002, 10:29:25 AM, you wrote:

dcn> Hash: SHA1

dcn> Hi John,

dcn> Monday, March 25, 2002, 10:04:46 AM, you wrote:

JP>> Hello Wayne
JP>> You wrote  On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, at 21:55:09 [GMT -0800] (16:55 Monday where I 

MR>>>> I'm a bit curious about this too.  I installed v1.60 over my previous
MR>>>> version (1.53t), and I don't see any "Inbox-Known" folders.  However -
MR>>>> if I look in my sorting office for each account, I see a currently
MR>>>> *inactive* "known" incoming filter.

>>> Just create a new folder for each account and name it $Known$ (with
>>> the dollar signs) This creats an "Inbox - Known" folder.

JP>> Just curious - I am sure I missed something here - what exactly is the purpose
JP>> of this inbox?

dcn> Hello,  how  does  one  get  the  'known' folder to actually do anything
dcn> please?  I  have created the folder as described, but it doesn't seem to
dcn> do anything...

dcn> - --
dcn> Best regards,

dcn> Dave Wilson.

dcn> (E-mail me subject: 'public key' and I will send it to you)

dcn> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
dcn> Version: PGP 6.5.8ckt Build 06

dcn> iQA/AwUBPJ9CYYuowXdtlnXzEQK5TACg67hun+gwurHip9xb4KNm9x7jIf0AoIrv
dcn> j6AQD4TtjhBlHehvBIkHwIm7
dcn> =78EX
dcn> -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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Gene                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Mail Client: THE BAT 1.60

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