Hi Anne,

Sunday, March 9, 2003, 2:41:42 AM, you wrote:

A> The interview on Marek's site here
A> http://www.thebat.cz/interview.htm seems to imply it's one they are
A> going for:

A> Q. There is a rumor floating around that TB will include a usenet
A> news reader. Is this true? A. I think so. We still have not decided
A> on what it will look like - as a plug-in or as a built-in
A> function...

That's a shame. i hope they don't ruin what I think is the best email
client around with feature bloat.  I have yet to find an email client
that's as good at news as Agent. Or a news client that's as good at
mail as The Bat.  Just adding more features for the sake of it is not
a good sign IMHO.

Best regards,

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